Book, conference and other contributions

24. Krebs als Rückschritt in der Evolution
Klement RTheomedizin. 2022 Aug; 30-33. Download: TM_22_THEMEN_s30_33

23. P11-5 Die elektronische Patientenakte – mehr als nur eine
digitalisierte Papierakte?!

Wilbert J, Gibson A, Klement R, Sweeney R.  Strahlentherapie und Onkologie. 2019 Jun; 195(Suppl 1):S97. Download: Poster Patientenakte

22. Ketogene Ernährung bei Tumorerkrankungen?
Klement RJ. Nutrition News. 2019 May; 16(2):10-12. Download: Keto bei Krebs (NutrNews 2019)

21. Editorial: Presenting the Proceedings of the 6th symposium of the Society for Evolutionary Medicine and Health (EMG)
Klement RJ, Steger K.  Journal of Evolution and Health. 2019 Mar; 3(2):1

20. Ketogenic diets during radiotherapy against cancer
Invited talk at the 3rd International Workshop No-Cancer 2018 —Understanding Cancer Cell Biology to Improve Diagnosis and Therapy. Abstract published in the Journal of Cancer Metastases and Treatment 2019; 5:5

19. Proceedings of the 5th annual symposium of the German Society for Paleo Nutrition held in 2017
Steger K, Honermeier B, Seidenwerg H, Herr I, Zimmer P, Klement RJ, Kunz C, Spitz J, Haak W, Daniel H. Journal of Evolution and Health. 2017 Nov; 2(2):5

18. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Ketogenen Ernährung in der Krebstherapie
Kämmerer U, Klement RJ. Zeitschrift für Orthomolekulare Medizin. 2017 Juli; 15(2):20-24. Download: Ketogene Diät – Orthomol Med 2017

17. Ketogene Ernährung in der Krebstherapie
Kämmerer U, Klement RJ. Deutsche Heilpraktiker-Zeitschrift. 2017 Juli; 4:72-74. Download: Ketogene Ernährung in der Krebstherapie

16. (P095) Assessing changes in the Activity Levels of Breast Cancer Patients During Radiation Therapy
Champ CE, Ohri N, Cantor M, Klement RJ, Smith RP. International Journal of Radiation Oncology * Biology * Physics. 2017 May; 98 (2):E41. Download: P095-Physical activity during RT (Champ 2017)

15. Dosis-Wirkungsbeziehungen in der extra-kraniellen Radiochirurgie
Invited talk at the 47th annual meeting of the German Society for Medical Physics. September 9, 2016, Würzburg, Germany. Abstract: DGMP-ISMRM-DS-2016-Abstract Klement

14. Proceedings of the 3rd annual symposium of the German Society for Paleo Nutrition held in 2015
Klement RJ, Bukac D, Hamatschek J, Jaminet P, Otten L, Selig C, Spitz J, Steger K. Journal of Evolution and Health. 2015 Sept; 1(1):8

13. PO-0688: Implementation of a breast-hold lung gating system for left-sided breast cancer; hurdles and benefits
Sweeney R, Wilbert J, Menge M, Gibson A, Klement R. Radiotherapy and Oncology. 2015 Apr; 115 (Supplement 1):S336-S337

12. OC-0206: Dose-response modelling in SBRT for stage I NSCLC and pulmonary metastases based on a multi-institutional database
Guckenberger M, Klement RJ, Huflage H, Andratschke N, Blanck O, Dieckmann K, et al.  Radiotherapy and Oncology. 2015 Apr; 115 (Supplement 1):S104

11. Proceedings of the 2nd annual symposium of the German Society for Paleo Nutrition held in 2014
Klement RJ, Gonder U, Orsó E, Paul S, Rauscher P, Schilling F, Spitz J. Journal of Evolution and Health. 2015 Jan; 1 (1):6

10. Are Lung NTCP Models Different in Hypofractionated and Standard Fractionated Radiotherapy?
Troeller A , Söhn M, Grills IS, Ionascu D, Guckenberger M, Klement R, Belderbos J, Sonke J, Hope AJ, Bissonnette J, Werner-Wasik M, Xiao Y, Yan D. International Journal of Radiation Oncology * Biology * Physics. 2014 Sep; 90 (1), Supplement:S41-S42 (Oral Presentation)

9. Restricting Carbohydrates to fight Head & Neck Cancer: Is this realistic?
Invited talk at the Multidisciplinary Head & Neck Cancer Symposium. February 20-22, 2014, Scottsdale, AZ

8. Proceedings of the 1st annual symposium of the German Society for Paleo Nutrition held in 2013
Klement RJ, Albers T, Kämmerer U, Konefal PM, Pfeiffer N, Spitz J. Journal of Evolution and Health. 2013 Dec; 1 (1):5

7. Is There a Dose Response Relationship for Pulmonary Function Changes After Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Early-stage Non-small Cell Lung Cancer?
Guckenberger M, Klement RJ, Belderbos J, Sonke JJ, Hope AJ, Kestin LL,Yan D, Werner-Wasik M, Xiao Y, Grills IS. International Journal of Radiation Oncology * Biology * Physics. 2012 Nov; 84 (3), Supplement:S48-S49 (Oral Presentation)

6. The Gaia-ESO Public Spectroscopic Survey
Gilmore G, Randich S, Asplund M, et al. The Messenger. 2012 Mar; 147:25-31

5. Das Milchstraßensystem oder die Galaxis
Klement RJ. Abriss der Astronomie. Editors: Hermann-Josef Röser, Werner Tscharnuter, Hans-Heinrich Voigt. Wiley-VCH. 2012 Mar (Book Chapter)

4. Carbohydrate Restriction in Cancer Treatment and Prophylaxis
Klement RJ. Abstracts of the 15th International Symposium on Tumor Markers, 29-31 May, 2011, Hamburg, Germany. Anticancer Research. 2011 May; 31:1987 (Oral Presentation)

3. The visitor from an ancient galaxy: A planetary companion around an old, metal-poor red horizontal branch star
Klement RJ, Setiawan J, Henning Th, Rix H-W, Rochau B, Rodmann J, Schulze-Hartung T. The Astrophysics of Planetary Systems: Formation, Structure, and Dynamical Evolution, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium. 2011 Nov; 276:121-125 (Oral Presentation)

2. A Planetary Companion around a Metal-Poor Star with Extragalactic Origin
Setiawan J, Klement R, Henning Th, Rix,H-W, Rochau B, Schulze-Hartung T, Rodmann J. PLANETARY SYSTEMS BEYOND THE MAIN SEQUENCE: Proceedings of the International Conference. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2011 Mar; 1331:182-189. Download: SERGIO

1. Identifying stellar streams in the 1st RAVE Public Release data
Klement R, Fuchs B, Rix H-W. The Galaxy Disk in Cosmological Context, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium. 2009 Mar; 254:34 (Poster Session)
