Comments to my realist review on ketogenic diets for cancer patients

Recently, I had the honor to correspond with Dr. Prasanta Bandyopadhyay about my realist review of ketogenic diets (KDs) for cancer patients (Beneficial effects of KDs for cancer patients (Klement 2017)). Dr. Bandyopadhyay is a professor of Philosophy in the Department of History, Philosophy, and Religious Studies at Montana State University, USA (check out his homepage here). Together with Gordon Brittan Jr. and Mark L. Taper he has written one of the most inspiring books I have recently read: Belief, Evidence and Uncertainty – Problems of Epistemic Inference. In my review, I had taken the concepts of evidence and confirmation developed in this book to summarize the available evidence for any putative anti-tumor effects of KDs in cancer patients and whether we should believe that such effects are “real” (in the sense of occurring in real world settings). Continue reading
